Empower Inspire Achieve Join Special Olympics Waikato Club
Mission: To provide year round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.
The club organizes regular year round training sessions, competitions, and social events to promote teamwork and opportunities to experience new feats, develop and improved physical fitness, greater self-confidence and personal development among its members. Special Olympic waikato club is committed to fostering inclusion, respect, enthusiasm, courage and sportsmanship. sharing of knowledge, skills and friendship and competitive spirit.
Training Wednesday term times
Mangatokukuku College Hall Melvile
Coach Simone
Every Sunday
Coach Lauren
Summer September-April
Bremworth park Dinsdale
Coach Brendon
Coach Kara
please contact for more information
Coach Bryce
Coach Lynley
ELIGIBILTY: An individual can participate in Special Olympics if: They are 8 years or older and An agency or professional has identified them as having an intellectual disability.
(In New Zealand this would usually be done by: GP/Paediatrician School/Special Needs Assessors Community Needs Assessment Agency)
The individual has a cognitive delay as determined through standardized tests used genererally in New Zealand. OR The idividual has a developmental disability affecting general learning and adaptive skills in at least two of the following : Communication, Social skills, Self Care Function, academics, Leisure Work Capabilities, Home Living, Health and Safety
A person is NOT eligible for Special Olympics if their disability is SOLELY due to physical disabilities, emotional disturbances, behaviour disorders, specific learning disabilities, psychiatric illness or sensory disabilities.
To volunteering with Special Olympics you need: A "can do" attitude, be open to learning and undertaking training where appropriate, ability to work as part of a team, time to invest and Undergo a POLICE CHECK .
WE AIM TO: Provide training for 44-46 weeks in each year, to encourage fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Have quality coaching and competition programs for all sports. To enable as many athletes as possible to participate, train and competein a wide varity of sports events. To assist athletes develop sports, social skills, build friendships and team spirit through their sports training and competition. To promote and assist the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability incommunity events and activities.
WHO CAN VOLUNTEER: Individuals, groups, families, anyone can volunteer. Volunteers come from all walks of life, students, sports officials, teachers, coaches, senior citizens, family members, corporate employees, business people, service clubs and community and church groups.
Donate to Special Olympics Waikato today
By making donation today, you're helping to support the Athletes in their training and also helping to get them to Regional Tournaments and the National Summer Games.